“Mutyam steel products are replica of quality and sustainability with safety. Our company symbolises commitment for values and ethics. We believe “strong foundation builds shielded environment”

Mr. Mahender reddy ,The founder of mutyam steel industry In 2012 with top quality materials and great experience towards the steel industry made its 1st foot print all over Hyderabad by following new hi-technology and refined ideas to provide essential materials to build dream structures, Mutyam steel industry have strong presence across diverse industries as Defence, Poultry, Agriculture, Ports & Shipping, Food Processing, Medical equipment, manufacturing Rubber & Tyres Automobile.

“Mutyam steel products are replica of quality and sustainability with safety. Our company symbolises commitment for values and ethics. We believe “strong foundation builds shielded environment”

Mutyam steel fulfils the desires of millions of people to build their dream houses by providing sustainable and quality products at a reasonable stake. Every single day, we have our client base increasing undoubtedly due to our commitment to excellence. As a matter-of-fact, steel has become an integral part in our lives. It is an essential element in every tool/machinery we use in our daily lives such as vehicles, houses, bridges,equipment, many customised goods etc,. Therefore, we want Mutyam steel company to extend its capabilities in order to provide sustainable products and effective services to people for the sake of a better community. We strive hard to deliver the most trusted, sustainable, long-lasting and durable products and substantial services within precise time at budget friendly costs which makes our clients’ life happy and easy. Our continuous improvements for finding the creative methods for better construction and providing best solutions always make our customers choose us over the other competitors. The zeal to be chosen by more customer groups is what makes us to work harder and achieve more success.


In Hyderabad, " Our leader mahendra garu seeded MSPL in the year 2012 with aiming to ensure you build the home of your dreams with top quality building materials and long lasting strength.” At mutyam steel, our goal is to supply some of the best quality building materials in india with unmatched precision, discipline and in a timely manner. we are committed to meeting the client expectations and we will strive to achieve maximum efficiency while providing useful assistance and guidance wherever necessary. We strive to supply top quality building materials in a fair and transparent manner while ensuring every family achieves their dream of building a home without bankrupting themselves.

OverView of the Company

  • Based in Telangana - Hyderabad, with 10 years of experience in the steel industry, Mutyam steel has carved pioneer methodologies by deploying robust business structures, partnerships and coordination. Our immense emphasis on product quality and customer service allows us to seamlessly partner with our clients today.
  • As steel is a renewable resource, we want to meet the demand of each client with the supply of Mutyam steel products. Our products can be used to construct low-energy buildings that are thermally responsive. Our long-term goal is to build as many sustainable buildings as possible with the Mutyam steel. We provide Wiron and Tata Structura products which include: Structural Pipes/PVC/Retail outlets

Contact Form

Call or submit our online form to request an estimate or for general questions about our services. We look forward to serving you!